Our sustainability approach is to implement the right strategies to “run a responsible, respectful and profitable business” in line with our goal of creating long-term value.

For us, it is to manage sustainability, environment, social and governance (ESG-Environment, social, governance) issues at an excellent level throughout our business processes and value chain. Therefore, we determine our sustainability strategies in accordance with the highest environmental, social and governance standards.

We are aware of our responsibilities towards natural resources and the planet. We strive to demonstrate a responsible way of doing business that protects the environment, considers public health and safety at the highest level, starting with our employees, and respects human rights.

We care about a continuous and profitable production. Because a profitable business is not only for its shareholders; We think that it can create sustainable value for its employees, close communities, society, country and our world.

As Delta Group, we direct and develop our portfolio in accordance with our sustainability approach. We try to effectively manage ESG (environmental, social, governance) risks and opportunities in order to create long-term value with our strong corporate governance capacity.

The Sustainability Committee and Sustainability Working Groups constitute the main management mechanisms that decide on our investments and projects in this field. Thus, sustainability studies are managed in an integrated manner with all our processes, as a business model of which our employees are a part, measured with targets, and monitored with concrete and consistent indicators.

Our sustainability policy reflects our perspective on the fundamental approaches of our business strategies.

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