Carrying its sustainability goals forward with each passing day, our Group became the first member from the Turkish mining industry to be admitted to the United Nations Global Compact Initiative (UN Global Compact) in the category of medium-sized companies at the beginning of 2022.
Our UN Global Compact membership declares that we will harmonize the strategies and operations of our group companies with these principles, by adopting the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact, in which the basic responsibilities of the business world in the fields of human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption are determined. We've taken it to a new level.
As a UN Global Compact participant member, we will publish our first Progress Report in 2023, which reveals our practices regarding the 10 principles.
Global Compact Turkey, the local network of UN Global Compact in Turkey, supports the development of member companies in the field of sustainability with the events it organizes, the resources it offers and the working groups. Global Compact, a global network where good practices are shared and collaborations are developed on both a local and global scale, operates in 160 countries all over the world.