The 15th Turkish-Arab Economic Forum, of which our group is a main sponsor, brought together senior leaders and stakeholders from Turkey and the Arab world to establish stronger economic ties.
The Turkish-Arab Economic Forum took place on October 17, 2024, at the Four Seasons Hotel Istanbul. The event was organized with the official support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, the Ministry of Treasury and Finance of Turkey, and the Investment Office of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey, in collaboration with the League of Arab States, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), and the Union of Arab Chambers.
One of the highlights of the forum was the panel titled "Turkey and the Arab World: A Global Corridor for Investment, Trade, and Technology," moderated by Turkey's Minister of Treasury and Finance, Mehmet Şimşek, and attended by ministers from across the region. As emphasized by A. Burak Dağlıoğlu, President of the Investment Office of the Republic of Turkey, in his opening speech, the forum underscored Turkey's commitment to deepening regional partnerships.

Delta Group was among the sponsors of the 14th Turkish-Arab Economic Forum
The 14th Turkish-Arab Economic Forum, of which our group is among the main sponsors, was held in
Istanbul with the high-level participation of the governments of Turkey, Qatar, Kuwait, Libya and
Egypt and representatives of the business world.
At the 14th Turkish-Arab Economic Forum (TAF), which took place in Istanbul Çırağan Palace on
November 8, 2023, government members and representatives of Turkey's high-level institutions and
organizations were brought together to discuss the path of economic relations between Turkey and
Arab countries, which has entered a new era. map was shared. To the forum; Minister of Treasury
and Finance Mehmet Şimşek, Kuwait Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Petroleum and Minister
of State for Economy and Investment Affairs Dr. Saad Al-Barrak, Egyptian Minister of Finance Dr.
Mohamed Maait, Minister of State and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Qatar and Free Zones
Authority H.E. Ahmad Al-Sayed, President of the Investment Office of the President of Turkey Ahmet
Burak Dağlıoğlu, President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey Rifat
Hisarcıklıoğlu, Secretary General of the Union of Arab Chambers Dr. Khaled Hanafy and Sadek Al
Kaber, Governor of the Central Bank of Libya, attended.
Speaking at the forum, Minister of Treasury and Finance Mehmet Şimşek said, “We are very happy to
host the Turkey Arab Forum. We also believe that this forum will be very useful in strengthening the
ties between our countries. By the way, I would like to express that I am ready to meet with business
people from the region. "In fact, such meetings are a great place to explain the opportunities offered
by our countries," he said.

Fromthefirstday of theearthquake, as Delta Volunteers, webecameonesoulwithourcitizenswithoursearchandrescueteams, constructionequipmentandlogisticstruck in ourminingfacilities. Wewishcondolencesforthosewholosttheirlives in thisgreatdisaster, andpatienceand a speedyrecoverytotheirrelatives.
As onesoul, wewillgetthrough it together.

The first General Assembly of the Chromium Producers Association (KROMDER), in establishment of which we took an active role, washeld in Ankara, at the headquarters of theassociation. Our Executive Board Member Onur Köktürk wa selected to the Board of Directors of the association consisting of theleading Chrome Producers of Turkey. As KROMDER, of whichweare a Member of the Board of Directors, we visited the Deputy Minister of Energyand Natural Resources Prof. Dr. Şeref Kalaycı, introduced our association and discussed the problems and solutions about the sector.
A Wreath Laying Ceremony was held at the Taksim RepublicMonument on December 4, World Miners' Day. Onur Köktürk, the Member of theExecutive Board and Member of the Board of Directors of the Turkish Miners Association, attended the ceremony on behalf of ourcompany. Our Chief Executive Officer Sami Habbab, Executive Committee Members Suat Güven, Onur Köktürk and Operations Manager Mehmet Uluyurt attended the December 4, World Miners' Day Conference, which was organised by the Turkish Miners' Association, and of which we were in the Organisation Committee. This year's theme of the event that attracted great participation by the industry was "Change in the Global EconomyandMining”. We were deemed worthy of an award for our support as a Silver sponsor forthe December 4, World Miners' Day Event. Our Executive Board Members Suat Güven and Onur Köktürk attended th eevent, whic hwasheld at Hilton Bosphorus Hotel.

While our Chairman of the Board of Directors Participated in the 13th Turkish-Arab Economic Forum, we also became a sponsor as Delta

In our lead-zinc investment, we have reached the production stage with the great effort and effort of all our teams. After the completion of all machinery and equipment assembly, plant tests and trial productions began.

Our CEO Sami Habbab and Executive Board Member Onur Köktürk attended the 10th General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact. The 10th General Assembly of Turkey of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, which was held on March 25, was held with intense participation.

As Delta Group, we participated in the "4th Mining Workshop" organized by industry associations and non-governmental organizations under the leadership of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources and the Ministry of Commerce, and talked about the future of the mining industry and responsible and sustainable mining.
By signing the "United Nations Global Compact", the world's largest sustainability initiative, we became the first signatory member from the Turkish mining industry.

We sponsored the "December 4 World Miners Day Event" organized by the Turkish Miners' Association this year as well.

As Delta Group, we also participated and contributed to the meetings held with the MTA, the Parliamentary Climate Research Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, the Project for the Improvement of Occupational Health and Safety in Mining (MISGEP). In addition, we continue to be among the active coordinators of the preparatory work for the "responsible mining initiative" for the mining industry.

As Delta Group, we made donations to be used in disaster areas by contacting the relevant institutions immediately after the big forest fires in July and the flood disasters in August.

It is the commissioning of our concentrate facility related to our chrome activities as of February. This new investment not only extends the ore life of our chromium operations for the future, but also provided us with the opportunity to process low-grade existing and mined ores and turn them into economic profits. Our facility processes 600 tons of ore daily and thanks to the R&D and engineering studies, it has become one of Turkey's highest efficiency facilities (around 75-78%). Our goal will be to increase this efficiency by 80% with new optimization projects and turn it into an exemplary facility that provides efficiency on an international scale.

Delta Group; This year, it sponsored the event traditionally organized by the Turkish Miners' Association as part of the 4 December World Miners' Day.
Panels, presentations and speeches were held throughout the day at the event held at Istanbul Hilton Bosphorus on 4 December.
Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, General Directorate of Forestry and MAPEG - General Directorate of Mining and Petroleum Affairs bureaucrats and representatives attended the event; Nearly 450 people from the whole mining community participated throughout the day.
In the event where the Mining Sector was represented at the level of the Board of Directors and Presidents of Non-Governmental Organizations; Presentations on “Preparations for the New Mining Law and Expectations of the Industry” and “Relations with the Community in Mining” were held.
In the program, the Chairman of the Editorial Board of Dünya Newspaper - Columnist Şeref OĞUZ made a speech titled "Change in Turkey and the World Economy" and then discussed the sector in the "Sectoral Stakeholders Panel", which was attended by sector representatives.
Delta Group Chief Executive Officer Sami Habbab, who attended the 4 December World Miners Day Event, which ended with the gala dinner at Hilton Bosphorus in the evening, said, “We care about bringing the industry together at such events and as Delta we support such organizations.”
On behalf of Delta Group, which was deemed worthy of an award for their support to the Mining Sector and 4 December World Miners' Day; Delta Group CEO Sami Habbab received the award.