Since 1976, Jacadi Paris has craftedcollectionsthatreimaginesthetimelessheritage of French fashionforchildren. As a contemporarybrandwithclassicroots, Jacadi createsclothes, accessories, shoes, andnurseryitemsthatcelebratethemagicandwhimsy of childhood. Designedforspecialmilestonesandeverydaymomentsalike, ourcollectionsareforboysandgirlsages 0-12 years.
Today, Jacadi Paris has 270 boutiquesacross 39 countries in themostbeautifulcities in theworld, as well as a thrivingecommerce presence. At thecore of ourbrand, webelieve in supportingthedevelopmentandwellbeing of childreneverywhere. Since 2005, wehavebeen a proudmember of the ÏDKIDS.COMMUNITY, a community of brandscommittedtotheprotectingchildren of theworld. .
Jacadi Paris TurkeydistributorDorimu Giyim Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. openedit’sfirst Jacadi Paris store in Turkey 2011 at Istanbul Akmerkez shoppingmall. Withit’s Jacadi Paris stores in 4 differentlocations, Dorimu Giyim continuesitsactivities as theTurkeydistributorof Jacadi Paris. .

Jacadi - Akmerkez Mall
Jacadi - Zorlu Center Mall
Jacadi - İstinye Park Mall
Jacadi - Vadi İstanbul Mall
Jacadi - İzmir İstinye Park
Jacadi - Mandarin Oriental Bodrum
Jacadi - Maxx Royal Kemer Antalya
Jacadi – Online